Trade Association Provides ‘Off the Shelf’ Campaigns for Local Authorities : Free Communication Materials from Alupro to Boost Aluminium Packaging Recycling

A range of free communication resources to help local authorities in the UK encourage residents to recycle aluminium packaging throughout the year has been further extended by Aluminium Packaging Recycling Organisation (Alupro).
The materials, which include advertisement templates, animated banners and press materials, are available permanently via the media library on the Alupro website.
Alupro explained that the resources can be used to support seasonal campaigns reminding residents to recycle their Valentine’s Day chocolate and Easter egg wrappers, summer picnic packaging and Christmas party food.
For the summer months new resources have been added linking recycling to major national and international events including the Euro 2016 football tournament and later in the summer, the Olympics. There are also a range of poster templates to support the Recycle Now campaign.
“We know that time and budgets are tight for local authorities but it’s important to keep reminding residents about what and how to recycle throughout the year,” explained Alupro marketing & communications Mmanager Diana Caldwell.
“our free materials are designed to be easy to download, adapt and use in a campaign without incurring the costs of creating and developing a campaign from scratch. We can also help to create the artwork if necessary,” she added.
Previous Successes
Alupro said that offering ‘off the shelf’ communications materials that can be easily adapted has proved a successful tactic for its industry partnership programmes.
The organisation cited the MetalMatters campaign, which has developed an extensive a range of resources including leaflets, vehicle signage and display materials, which enable local authorities to run cost-effective campaigns using tried and tested materials.
Campaigns were said to typically cost less than 30p per household and have proved successful in increasing metal capture rates, and returning on investment within 12 months.
In another example the ‘You Can Leave Your Cap On’ campaign, jointly funded by Alupro, aluminium closure manufacturers and British Glass, encourages recyclers to screw the caps back on their empty glass bottles.
Template artwork for this campaign has been used by over 25 local authorities for bottle bank and kerbside boxes, and vehicle signage for local authorities.
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