Governor Signs AB 1572 into Force to Help Boost Recycling & Cut Landfill : Greater Powers to Enforce Waste Laws for CalRecycle in California

In California Governor Brown has signed into law AB 1572, which gives the California Department of Resources and Recycling Recovery (CalRecycle) greater flexibility in enforcing waste laws.
According to the Bill’s author, Assembly member Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters), the bill will help CalRecycle ensure locals comply with sustainable waste management law while reducing burdens associated with oversight for areas that exceed state requirements.
“California just took a stand against climate change by passing a landmark a Cap and Trade extension,” said Aguiar-Curry. “Sustainable waste management strategies are another way Californians can continue to fight global warming.”
“When we reduce waste and divert organic material from in landfills, we reduce greenhouse gas emissions. AB 1572 ensures CalRecycle is implementing these waste management programs in the most effective way possible.”
Legislation passed in 2016 asks locals to divert 50% of all organic waste from landfill by 2020 and 75% by 2025.
These ambitious goals are in addition to other existing laws asking local governments to reduce waste at the source, increase recycling efforts, and safely handle hazardous waste. Collectively, these laws will produce environmentally conscious waste management strategies at the local level.
According to Aguiar-Curry, AB 1572 is an important step in determining how to consolidate state review processes while achieving these sustainability goals.
“Our local partners are committed to sustainable waste management,” she said. “We need to make sure compliance review processes are not duplicative or overly burdensome, especially for those who far exceed state goals. I look forward to building on these successful efforts in the future. CalRecycle has been a great partner in achieving these goals.”
This is the second of two bills by Aguiar-Curry that were presented to and signed by the Governor. Aguiar-Curry hopes to keep up this momentum as the 2016-17 Legislative Session heads into its final few weeks.
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