Tamar Energy Chief – Food Waste Crucial to 50% Target : UK Anaerobic Digestion Boss: Don’t Bin Food Waste Collections
Local authorities have been urged not to scrap separate kerb side food waste collection in a bid to cut, but instead focus on driving up capture rates to save money, by the chief executive of anaerobic digestion biogas developer, Tamar Energy.
The call followed news that some councils are considering cutting back, or even dropping, split food collections on financial grounds.
Instead, Dean Hislop, Tamar Energy chief executive, called on authorities to focus on raising households’ awareness which, for relatively little outlay, can see an impressive uplift in collection rates – and consequently lower waste disposal charges.
“Local authority finances are exceptionally tight at the moment and there’s a lot of pressure on budgets,” explained Hislop. “Cutting food waste recycling to save money may seem to make sense in the short-term but it’s a missed opportunity to ‘invest a little to save a lot’, and tackle an important issue.:
“The UK has a 50% legally binding recycling target,” he noted. “Food waste recycling is key to achieving this. The UK’s AD industry has delivered the necessary capacity, it needs to be matched by local and national government on collection rates.”
Hislop cited trials, such as those conducted by Somerset Waste Partnership in 2015, have found that simple activities to remind people that food shouldn’t go to landfill, such as stickers on bins, increased food waste recycling rates by 20%.
According to Hislop, boosting collection rates by these levels can save local authorities tens of thousands a year on disposal costs.
Similar trials were also announced recently by South Northamptonshire Council, which is benefiting from WRAP funding, also recently announced they are starting a similar trial – using stickers, leaflets and adverts – to raise awareness of food waste recycling. (see WMW story)
“The first step is to enforce the waste hierarchy, which is already agreed and enshrined in law,” asserted Hislop. “We’re absolutely clear that we should all waste less, and food that can be eaten, should be eaten.”
“After this, unavoidable food waste should be sent to AD or composting. It’s economically, environmentally, and socially irresponsible to send food waste to landfill or ‘Energy from Waste’ plants,” he continued.
According to Hislop anaerobic digestion can make a real difference to the financial returns for councils. Education campaigns which increase food waste recycling rates by only 5% can make a positive financial contribution in the same year.
He also noted that AD gate fees are significantly less than disposal by landfill, offering waste managers opportunities to make cost savings.
“Instead of retreating from recycling, I hope councils will look at creative ways of encouraging people to take part,” concluded Hislop. :These campaigns don’t have to target every household in a district or county – they work best when they’re targeted at areas of low recycling rates.”
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