Renewable Fuel from Waste Firm Neste Welcomes Decision : Waste Based Fuels Given Boost as California Extends Cap & Trade Program

In California lawmakers have given renewable fuels, including those produced from wastes and residues a boost with a vote on to extend the State's cap and trade program until 2030.
On July 17 the lawmakers confirmed the state's Low Carbon Fuel Standard - a program to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuel - would continue unaffected by the extension as one of the complementary strategies to address climate change.
Helsinki based Finnish firm, Neste, the world's largest producer of renewable diesel refined from waste and residues welcomed the decision, which is said reaffirms the State's commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Neste’s My Renewable Diesel is currently used by California fuel distributors, refiners, and public and private fleets to meet California's low carbon fuel requirements as a drop-in replacement used without changes to existing fuel distribution systems.
"We congratulate California on its strong climate leadership supporting the transition to clean energy,” said executive vice president of renewable products at Neste, Kaisa Hietala.
She added that the company was looking forward to continuing to support the State's targets at curbing carbon emissions.
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