Recycling : RecyClass Recycled Plastics Traceability Certification ready for accreditation

With the positive evaluation by the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA)’s, RecyClass Recycled Plastics Traceability Certification becomes the go-to scheme for companies that want to comply with the standard EN 15343:2007 and to stay ahead in the circular transition. The scheme verifies and certifies the origin, as well as the percentage of recycled content in, beyond packaging, virtually any plastic products in line with the latest market and regulatory developments.
“It is a clear signal to all the actors of the value chain who are searching for a reliable and credible scheme to certify the circularity of their plastic products”, said Paolo Glerean, Chairman of RecyClass. “This positive evaluation will bring more transparency on the market and give confidence to both downstream and end-users. We are convinced that such a robust tool will constitute major support for the companies willing to substantiate their commitment to the use of recycled plastics” he added.
The positive evaluation by the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) comes as an important milestone for RecyClass whose overarching objective is to drive harmonisation for advancing plastics circularity in Europe and beyond. The approval for RecyClass Recycled Plastics Traceability Certification1 officially attests to the highest standards, operational procedures, and impartiality.
The scheme was positively evaluated as a scheme based on product certification (ISO/IEC 17065) following the European Accreditation Procedure for the Evaluation of Conformity Assessment Schemes by EA (EA-1/22)2.
Furthermore, the recognition will promote transparent verification and finally the uptake of recycled content in new products on the European market while raising awareness about the importance of verified, circular claims.
The application procedure was handled by BELAC, the Belgian Accreditation Body, and evaluated via the EA, which regroups all the Accreditation Bodies from across Europe3.
RecyClass Certification Bodies can now start the application procedure to be accredited for Recycled Plastics Traceability Certification according to ISO/IEC 17065 standard.
[1] Certification Scheme documentation available at Recycled Plastics Certification Documents - RecyClass
[2] EA-1/22 A-AB: 2020
[3] European co-operation for Accreditation - European Accreditation (
About RecyClass
RecyClass is a comprehensive cross-industry initiative that works to advance plastic packaging recyclability and to establish a harmonized approach towards recycled content calculation and its traceability in Europe. Activities within RecyClass include the development of Recyclability Evaluation Protocols and scientific testing of innovative materials which serve as the base for the Design for Recycling guidelines and the free online tool. RecyClass offers Recyclability Certifications for plastic packaging and Recycled Content Traceability Certification for virtually all plastic products.
Press Release