The COVID-19 pandemic caused an unprecedented rise in health care waste around the globe. Now the Government of Japan and the United...
Parties to the Basel Convention at their 15th meeting (COP15) held in Geneva agreed by consensus to the "Swiss-Ghana Amendments,"...
The amount of medical waste and PPE waste has increased through the pandemic. Operators within the resource industry play a crucial role in...
Martin Reichstein, Managing Director at REDUX Recycling GmbH, talks about the upcoming EU regulatory framework for batteries and his...
Batteries are relevant in so many areas of our lives and their number is ever growing. Alas, they still present a challenge for recyclers....
Batteries should only be disposed of separately in the collection boxes provided, either in shops or at the rubbish tip, the Association of...
Glencore designates Li-Cycle as a preferred global lithium-ion battery recycling partner and invests $200 million.
Veolia and Suez announce the signing of an agreement for the acquisition by Suez of all of the hazardous waste assets in France as part of...
As a new wave of avian flu spreads across the US, mortality composting presents a safe way to deal with the carcasses. Especially hobby...
With initial partners Ford Motor Company and Volvo, Redwood begins collecting and recycling EV batteries.
Mercedes-Benz rolls out its global strategy for recycling automotive battery systems. The cooperation with high-tech partners in China and...
The companies are selected for a U.S. DOE project. The project will demonstrate the core end-to-end fuel recycling process using advanced...
A state-of-the-art thermal treatment facility is planned for the United Kingdom.
The Association of Austrian Waste Management Companies (VOEB) calls for EU-wide legal and structural framework conditions to recycle...