Biomethane : New company focusing on food waste processing

The Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) sector in the US is growing faster than ever. Largely due to two transportation-related policies that encourage the production of renewable fuel from different sorts of biomass and that drive the decarbonization of the fuels that go into vehicles respectively. According to Patrick Serfass, executive director of the American Biogas Council, 15.000 new anaerobic digesters could be built in the US. This makes it a much more interesting market than the European one, where there are 18.000 digesters already.
Interesting market
No wonder European companies are investing in this up-and-coming biogas and biomethane market. Back in 2013 German biogas pioneer PlanET Biogas founded its US subsidiary. Now thanks to its ongoing successful delivery of anaerobic digesters and RNG technology into the North American market, PlanET Biogas has created PlanET Organics, a new company specifically focused on food waste processing and nutrient recovery technologies.
Leading this new endeavor will be recently hired Mike Muffels, formerly of GHD, who brings close to 20 years of experience in the AD, RNG and Organics Processing sectors. To further complement PlanET’s market expansion, David Thompson has been hired as the Director of Business Development, who comes with more than 15 years’ experience in the field of Engineering, Business Development and Project Management.
“We have uniquely positioned our company in the North American biogas market,” said Derek Hundert, President of PlanET. “With over 40 North American installations in operation or construction, we are just beginning to reach the potential this market has to offer.”