Green Girls Learn to Build & Maintain Anaerobic Digesters : VIDEO: Girl Power Turning Organic Wastes into Biogas for Cooking in Cameroon

CGTN Africa has published a video looking at a project in Cameroon which is teaching girls how to build and operate anaerobic digesters to prodec biogas from organic wastes.
A recent report by the Thomson Reuters Foundation explained that students in schools where the infrastructure is installed are trained in the biogas transformation process and are shown how to build, install and maintain the biodigester and generators at the school.
“We give practical training to girls in colleges on how energy is generated from the sun, water and human waste,” said Monique Ntumngia, coordinator of Green Girls.
“We target female students especially, to break barriers and get them into innovative technology,” Ntumngia explained. Green Girls has trained 600 girls in schools in towns such as Bafut, Nkwen and Mankon, she added.
According to the Thomson Reuters Foundation having a biodigester installed and receiving training to use and maintain it costs 500,000-700,000 FCFA ($800-$1,100), a sum paid by the institution or households that request the service.
A group of homes can also join together to use a common biodigester to share the expense.
The report also noted that bottled cooking gas can be difficult to afford, especially for Cameroon’s poorest. A 12kg cylinder of liquefied petroleum gas costs 6,000 Central African francs (FCFA), or nearly $10, according to the Ministry of Trade.
Families benefiting from the cheap biogas were said to be using the money they save for other essential items such as schooling and medical care.
A video on the project can be viewed below.
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