In the US, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) projects are once more gaining traction despite failed consecutive attempts at their...
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will impose stricter wastewater disposal standards on coal-fired power plants.
The lack of regulatory oversight in the UK has led to an increase in fly-tipping and illegal waste sites, with waste crime amounting to a...
Legislative measures supporting wastewater treatment have gained traction in the US these past few months.
The new EU single-use plastic ban limits may restrict companies from developing sustainable innovations.
More and more plastic products are labelled as ‘compostable’, ‘biodegradable’, ‘oxo-degradable’ or ‘bio-based’. However, plastics made from...
In a bid to tackle waste crime the UK’s waste and resource sector has called for tighter controls tougher controls and a new regime for...
Located around 20 km from the Esplanade of the Ministries, the heart of the Brazilian national government, the Estrutural Dumpsite is next...
The waste and recycling industry in England, along with the tax payer, is losing some £604 million per year due to waste crime such as...
From a naturally occurring process to a high-tech industry anaerobic digestion has come a long way and should now be seen as a vital weapon...