Garry Nemack, Team Leader Sales & Contract Management Standard of Axians eWaste, on waste data collection and security and the role of the...
Umutcan Duman, CEO of Evreka, talks about the advantages of smart waste management technologies, the challenges the collection of huge...
Fabrizio Radice, VP Head of Global Sales and Marketing at TOMRA talks about how deep learning is transforming the waste sorting and...
The majority of products purchased in e-commerce are packaged in disposable packaging. The praxPACK project aims to contribute to the...
After the 18th edition in 2021 was delivered in a hybrid format, the Sardinia Symposium is now back to its traditional format,...
Automated sorting is the missing link between collection and high-quality textile recycling. Siptex - the world's first large-scale...
The European Council adopted a new regulation that strengthens sustainability rules for batteries throughout their entire life cycle. The...
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking feedback on its new interactive infrastructure tool to make it more complete, accurate...
When talking about healthcare waste we usually think about hazardous waste and plastic waste. Anaesthetic gases hardly ever make the list....
Just over a year after the European Commission presented its proposal for a new Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation, EU ministers...
Industries such as the waste management sector rely more and more on zero-emissions vehicles, report says. This might accelerate the...
To make waste sorting easier for everybody, the European Nordic countries have introduced a harmonised system of waste symbols. The...
According to the report the forthcoming revision of the Waste Framework Directive offers an opportunity to develop a coherent and...
New global initiatives to stimulate investments in sustainable waste management solutions.
Two major players in the waste management industry are already adopting smart technology to boost efficiency in the waste sorting process....