With major events from trade shows to festivals and football to opera on hold for the near future, Austrian recycling initiative, ‘Jede...
Located around 20 km from the Esplanade of the Ministries, the heart of the Brazilian national government, the Estrutural Dumpsite is next...
Keppel Seghers, is to build Phase III Baoan waste to energy facility in Shenzhen, China. WMW talks to the engineers behind the project.
A waste to energy carbon capture and storage plant on a scale to dwarf all previous attempts is the goal of Norwegian capital Oslo. David...
With the potential to lower monitoring costs and provide increase frequency of monitoring, what do drones mean for landfill operators?
Finnish robotic waste sorting technology firm, ZenRobotics, has signed an exclusive partnership for the distribution of its ZenRobotics...
Rainer Rehn explains that with increasingly intelligent multitasking robotic systems next year, 2016, will be the Year of Robotic Waste...
A new underground wastewater treatment plant serving 700,000 people in the municipality of Anyang, South Korea will use thermal hydrolysis...
In Waste Atlas 2014 Annual Report the world's 50 biggest dumpsites were listed for the first time and their health and environmental...
With approximately 400 new Waste to Energy plants planned in China over the next decade, Michael Nelles and Thomas Dorn explain why this...
Automated arms that can learn and get hurt. Is this something out of a science fiction novel? Nope, but a Finnish solution currently on...
An annual survey completed by Brazilian NGO CEMPRE shows that rates have been rising since 2008, showing that the country is on its way to...
From a naturally occurring process to a high-tech industry anaerobic digestion has come a long way and should now be seen as a vital weapon...