Combustion without air: for many years, scientists and engineers have been working on an economically feasible technology. Now Babcock &...
112 world leaders gathered in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt for the 27th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP27). ISWA General Manager...
ISWA is leading the way in putting sound waste management on the high-level agenda and spreading the message that waste management must...
Entrepreneur, communications pro, Dale Carnegie trainer: Saretta Brown has a lot of credentials under her belt. Since 2018 she has been...
Carsten Spohn passed suddenly and unexpected at the age of only 53.
The International Solid Waste Association issued the revised Declaration on Climate Change and the Waste and Resource Management Sector as...
Waste collection workers are on the list of the 10 most dangerous jobs in the US. Safety initiatives like News Yorks "Vision Zero" programm...
Weather-proof, solar-powered temperature sensors developed by innovative Australian start-up Rhino Instruments will reduce the risk of...
The company has seen a financial decline ever since going public in mid-August. Former chief technology officer Phil Rodoni was appointed...
From 8 to 11 November Ecomondo, the green technology expo, will be opening its doors in Rimini, Italy. Alessandra Astolfi, Global...
Convenience, engagement, and traceability: that's what a Digital Deposit Return System (DRS) offers. Tony McGurk, chairman of reuse and...
ISWA president Carlos Silva Filho talked at the recent ISWA World Congress about the triple planetary crisis we are currently facing and...
How important is data-driven technology for recycling processes? What are the advantages of using artificial intelligence and waste sorting...