The company turns difficult-to-recycle farm and paper waste which would otherwise go to landfills or be sent for incineration into a...
The project will enable the utility to generate 1.6MW of renewable electricity and avoid over 9,000 tonnes of CO2e emissions per year.
EPA wants to list certain PFAS as hazardous substances. The waste management industry fears expensive lawsuits but might find help in new...
Addressing municipal biowaste is crucial for meeting the targets set out in the EU Waste Framework Directive. A research project therefore...
WasteExpo is the flagship event in North America for professionals in the waste, recycling and organics industry from both the private and...
To be able to achieve net-zero it is essential to concentrate on the treatment - and avoidance - of biowaste. Waste is the third largest...
Is compostable packaging really compostable? This is the question a new project is trying to answer. Data from the pilot will be shared to...
Clean Energy has been awarded a contract by San Diego Metropolitan Transit System to provide an expected 86 million gallons of renewable...
Too much organic waste still ends up in landfills or incineration. The EU funded SCALIBUR project concentrated on innovative solutions to...
Biogas and biomethane expert PlanET Biogas creates a new company specifically focused on food waste processing and nutrient recovery...
An Austrian project shows how to optimise the material cycle of coffee capsules in order to use them as secondary raw materials for new...
One-third of the food produced globally is lost or wasted. Lawmakers finally realise the necessity to fight food waste. But are the...
Data shows that millions of tonnes of food end up being thrown away each and every year in India. A recent study wants to understand the...
Every December WASTECON brings together forward-looking leaders and managers in the waste management business to find solutions to...
For four years the partners involved in the SCALIBUR project looked into ways to improve the collection of organic waste. César Aliaga,...