German researchers at the PFI are looking into how existing plants could be integrated into a long-term energy storage strategy based on...
As one of the two world's biggest sugar producers India also produces a lot of sugarcane waste. The country uses this waste for energy...
This article discusses the current and future role of material and energetic uses of biogenic residues and wastes. Climate and resource...
One thing that no composting facility can avoid is odour emissions. They occur in all composting processes, even with proper operation and...
Biowaste is a valuable energy source. A study tour offers special insights into the topic.
The company turns difficult-to-recycle farm and paper waste which would otherwise go to landfills or be sent for incineration into a...
EPA wants to list certain PFAS as hazardous substances. The waste management industry fears expensive lawsuits but might find help in new...
Addressing municipal biowaste is crucial for meeting the targets set out in the EU Waste Framework Directive. A research project therefore...
Nickolas J. Themelis of the Earth Engineering Center at Columbia University tries a new way to calculate the expected methane emissions...
WasteExpo is the flagship event in North America for professionals in the waste, recycling and organics industry from both the private and...
Bioplastics are seen as a promising alternative to conventional plastics. But although they are promoted as biodegradable and compostable,...
Nine simple tricks to tackle your waste production beyond your purchases.
A recent test conducted by DUH took a closer look at products certified as compostable. The results of the test conducted at a composting...
To be able to achieve net-zero it is essential to concentrate on the treatment - and avoidance - of biowaste. Waste is the third largest...
Is compostable packaging really compostable? This is the question a new project is trying to answer. Data from the pilot will be shared to...