The ever-changing world of waste management is experiencing a digital revolution. Smart data, provided by digital tools like Sutco's ProDigit platform, helps optimise plant operations.
During the ISWA World Congress in Cape Town, South Africa, James Law was elected as the new ISWA President. He sat down with Waste...
Since its foundation in 2013, the ISWA Young Professionals Group (YPG) has developed into an important platform for up-and-coming waste...
Philippe Larretche, Veolia Group’s Innovation Director for Energy and Climate, discusses the company’s bold 2050 net-zero plan. From...
Each year, millions of vehicles reach the end of their lifespan, creating an increasing challenge for disposal. Waste Management World...
Contamination and the need to depackage compostable materials are one of the challenges composting facilities face on a daily basis....
Stefan Scheiflinger-Ehrenwerth recently joined UNTHA shredding technology as Chief Innovation Officer (CIO). WMW talked with him about his...
Prof Linda Godfrey was one of the keynote speakers at this year's ISWA World Congress in Cape Town. WMW talked with her about waste...
With the rise of self-injection medications and people injecting them not only at home, but of course also in public restrooms, comes the...
From October 1 to 3 the first Environtec exhibition will take place in Budapest, Hungary. Waste Management World talked with one of the...
The arrival of artificial intelligence is imminent. Even in the waste management industry. That is why Canadian sorting specialist Waste...
In a recent online event private and public sector experts shared how we can mitigate the climate crisis by taking decisive and supportive...
James Law is not only the Chair of the ISWA Working Group on Landfill and the Task Force on Closing Dumpsites Initiative, he is also an...
Wastewater treatment facilities have to face many challenges. One of them being highly diversified wastewater inputs. The operators of the...
The US EPA has presented new regulations to deal with PFAS contamination. Industry expert Ryan Moore, Program Director, PFAS Remediation at...
Veolia's Pascal Muller on the waste disposal giant's plans for battery recycling - and the technologies with which it wants to score points...
From November 7 to 10 Ecomondo, the green technology expo, will open its doors to visitors from all over the world. Waste Management World...
ISWA President Carlos Silva Filho has been appointed to the United Nations Advisory Board of Eminent Persons on Zero Waste. He talked with...
ISWA is about to release a White Book on Energy-from-Waste Technologies. In our interview Johnny Stuen, head of the working group...